Update 0.3.0

Biggest update thus far.


  • Saving & Loading
  • Day/night cycle (1 hour is a full day, make sure you get the light upgrades to not get stranded)
  • Intractable ruined tanks. You will find much less now, but the ones you DO find should be more interesting. There’s 16 in total, I can’t wait to see how many people can find!

Smaller changes/bug fixes : 

  • Quitting from pause menu now loads main menu rather than quitting the game entirely
  • Added load last checkpoint button
  • Adjusted sun and moon far shadows
  • Added shadow-less point lights to headlight and claw light to fake global illumination
  • Removed lumen (after researching more, it seems more buggy/trouble than it's worth even for high end systems). Ambient occlusion is still an option. 
  • Changed terrain scanner to be a post process material, rather than a shader on the landscape. This was done to allow the landscape to cast shadows. 
  • Made landscape cast shadows
  • Improved performance of several objects, mostly junk items which were causing lots of lag. 
  • Expanded settings menu into categories
  • Settings will now update to what you last had them set to, even if you quit and reload the game.
  • Added “reset all” button to settings.
  • Added volume options
  • Added mouse sensitivity slider
  • Added invert y option
  • Added requested items to oil settlement (finally)
  • Added a new mission to oil settlement
  • Saved city settlement from dying of carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Fixed requested items list showing object id name instead of actual name (ie. strange cubes were called “EmptyBox”
  • Added hanging lights above each settlement
  • Objects are now told to simulate physics when very close to your tank, rather than when they collide with you. This prevents a single screw stopping your tank like a brick wall.
  • Adjusted environment objects to reduce spots where player can get stuck
  • Mouse now disappears instantly after a game is loaded/created, and after you quit to main menu.
  • Changed look of some UI buttons to not have default unreal engine buttons
  • Added TPtoSettlement debug command
  • Removed start screen/pensoft logo since me and my friend are parting ways (he came up with the logo so he wants to keep it)
  • Settlement terminal 3d model no longer blocks camera spring arm
  • Removed bomb sound spatialization
  • Fixed wire poles blocking camera spring arm


Deep Snow Delivery v0.3.1 1 GB
Version 4 20 days ago

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